This is a very organised handbag for me. Usually it would contain all manner of child paraphenalia and today just one thing, the little blue car. Now, the reasons for this is that I made myself a new handbag therefore had to cull all the crap that would usually reside in it. This is the bag I took to Qld so because I went childless I was free to have only what I needed!
Phone, glasses case by 2, handcream, sandilwood oil, pawpaw ointment, nasal spray (addicted to it), hair elastic, wallet, tissue, swimschool newsletter and neurofen...........
For more handbag contents pop on over to Helloowl.
all the essentials! How nice not to be filled with kids stuff, and your bag looks fantastic, I love the orange floral!
My bag is always filled with kids stuff too. Spare clothes, snacks and theres always a water bottle or two. After being toddler free for almost two weeks I haven't had a chance to re-fill it yet. I must do that today.
Loving your new bag.
Love your new bag! I have some of that Pawpaw stuff too, its great :)
Yes everything you need without the baby stuff.... I love it.
gorgeous bag... i love the orange fabric :)
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